Have you ever given much thought to metamorphosis? As of late, I have. Did you know that when caterpillars tuck into their cocoon sleeping bags for their snooze of transformation, the long fuzzy-bodied beings that they have always been melt away (if you allow me to be liberal here) into a living teaspoonful of goo, akin to the primordial variety. Then, through a miraculous burst of cell growth and differentiation, they fundamentally, compositionally change into the winged creatures of spring, endowed with completely different properties and strengths and abilities. And the cool thing is that when they’re ready to break out into life again, these butterflies go out and do their proud and pretty thing freely and naturally, never once resenting their former worm-like leaf-eater selves or their catalyzed slime selves, nor really giving these phases much thought, because that’s just what has to go down for them to become beauties.
You and I, we’ve been a dollop of primordial goo this past year. And now, or recently, or soon, we’ll be breaking out into life with some whole new skills or offerings or understandings. Holding on to what we were or did before or resenting the state of in-between from which we’re emerging doesn’t really serve us here. Stretching our wings to fly takes a conscious awareness of ourselves in our lives, right here and now, and realizing that — whoa! wow! — we have wings! This is our metaphorical metamorphosis. And yes, this applies just as much to our life-to-life-to-life transformations as it does to what we’ve all been going through this past year.
After 15 months of tucking in, closing my downtown Spokane office, and then temporarily (though I thought it was permanently at the time) closing my practice altogether, I’m happy to share that, like many of you, I’m gently and carefully moving back into life and work again. And things look a bit different now. How?
• I have a new website.
• My office is now in my home on Spokane’s South Hill.

• After a year and three months, I’m opening slowly to welcome clients one on one. I’ll be offering limited office appointments during the summer as we continue to emerge from COVID. I’m currently booking regression therapy or between-life spiritual regression sessions for May 17 – June 17. I will be available for special office appointments and remote energy healing during July and August. I am also happy to book appointments now for when I’m back on my regular schedule after September 2. Please note that because my office is in my home, I do require that people who come to see me here are vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated and you don’t plan to be, perhaps consider a remote energy healing session or joining one of my new workshops.
• I am offering new workshops! My Connect and Create Workshops celebrate the acts of connection (with self, with each other, with nature, with our voices) and creation (of ideas, of stories, of art, of abundance) that ground, empower, and delight us. These writing and art workshops allow us to come together, sometimes virtually and sometimes outside in nature, to heal, release, ground, expand or amplify — whatever it is that we need. I’ve created a schedule of options for personal participation and I also offer special engagements for businesses, groups, or teams.
It feels good to be moving again, to be welcoming, to be creating, to be alive. I look forward to connecting with you soon in whatever way feels right to you. In the meantime, stretch those new wings and enjoy the spring!