Emerging From the Goo: New Website and Office, Limited Summer Appointments, and New Connect and Create Workshops

Have you ever given much thought to metamorphosis? As of late, I have. Did you know that when caterpillars tuck into their cocoon sleeping bags for their snooze of transformation, the long fuzzy-bodied beings that they have always been melt away (if you allow me to be liberal here) into a living teaspoonful of goo, akin…

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Scoga Nidra. Scott Moore’s new book, “Practical Yoga Nidra” may be the invitation you need to find your own best way to practice.

My dear friend Scott Moore has just finished his first book. A friend’s life-dream achievement is a worthy reason to celebrate in and of itself, but also, this book is so full of practical guidance and timeless inspiration that it makes me beyond proud to share his news and his book: Practical Yoga Nidra: A…

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The waterfall guardian

This Every summer, my daughter and I go on adventures. When she was four, we road-tripped from Utah to fly a kite on the Oregon Coast. When she was five, we packed up the car and the dog and went camping at Joshua Tree in search of Dr. Seuss trees and desert sunsets. When she…

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