So much to learn in the not knowing

For so many people I know, this Spring is a time of change. In a big way. It’s like the Universe gathered us all together on a massive oriental rug, asked us to mingle, and then, just when we were getting comfortable, yanked that rug right out from under us, sending us all flying. Not…

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The Parable of the Pine

On the day of the completion of her studies to become a physician, a young woman was called to meet with the elders of the village. “In honor of your accomplishment, we wish to give you a gift,” one of the elders said to her. “We give you this pine.” The woman stepped forward and…

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A little positive word-of-mouth

I have this thing that I do. It makes people smile so I’m going to let you in on it. Every time I hear a friend or acquaintance say something nice about someone I know, I tell that person what I heard. It’s simple, and I’ve found over the years that it’s really powerful.  Negativity swirls all around…

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The light that shines behind

Today, we celebrate the Super Moon eclipse of the sun. Spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically, it is a day of reset. It is a day of reflection and planning, of gratefulness and manifestation, of honoring personal change and of empowering giant leaps forward. The eclipse is the foreseen, planned, and anticipated movement of our moon…

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