I love sharing the words of my clients, because I know that they will speak directly to someone out there who really needs to hear them. None of us is ever truly alone. I’d like you to meet Allison. She recently came to me for a long-distance energy healing session. (She lives on the East…
Read moreOne-Page Wonder
While my daughter is at ballet class, I walk. I drop her off at the studio and then head West, past the old warehouses, under the railroad bridge, through downtown, and to the park along the river. Before I get to the park, though, I always make a pass through Auntie’s Bookstore. It’s on…
Read moreA first-hand account of Spirit Release and Energy Healing
This is a first-hand account of Dark Energy Clearing, Spirit Releasement, and Energy Healing by my client, Tyler. I asked him if he would write a reference for me, figuring that he might pull together a few positive sentences based on his experience. This is what he sent instead. This thorough and deeply personal account…
Read moreAn interview with Reena Kumarasingham, author of the new book “Shrouded Truth: Biblical Revelations through Past Life Journeys.”
Reena Kumarasingham is a regression and life-between-lives therapist who has been a trainer and supervisor for the Past Life Regression Academy for many years, teaching students in the UK, Australia, and the United States. In fact, she was my teacher. She has presented internationally including at the EARTh Association World Congress of Regression Therapy in…
Read more“To be continued:” Stating the Obvious and 4 Proofs of Reincarnation
This week’s 5-minute seminar, I’m back to my metaphorical happy place — connecting the dots between an episode of Poldark and proof of reincarnation. At the end of this episode of Poldark (Season 2, Episode 1), I was surprised and delighted to see the words “To be continued,” promising me that next time I tune…
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