Protecting ourselves from Dark Energy

There is Dark Energy at work in our world. It is part of all that is happening here now as we shift together to a higher consciousness and a more enlightened way of being. It, like we are, is playing its role in the unfolding of history. It’s hard for some people to grasp this,…

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The Process is Important.

My whole life I have been trained to set a goal, aim for it, and make it happen. In school. In sports. In business. Lots of us have. That’s how we roll as a society and a culture. As a world. If you’re going to race an Ironman, for instance, you pick a race first….

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Utah in November. With wild horses.

I’ll be back in Utah November 4-9, working from the beautiful Park City wild horse sanctuary and healing space, Wild Heart Sanctuary. I will be offering morning regression and between life sessions and afternoon energy healing sessions. Our host and founder of the Sanctuary, Sonya Richins, will also be offering private guided healing session with the…

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In memoriam: my mom’s 20 laws to live by.

My mom passed away suddenly a few weeks ago. At the service to celebrate her life, I shared these words. Mom has taught me so much in my 44 years. Some things she has told me outright. Some she has taught by example. Some I have picked up through attentive observation, in the way that,…

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