Don Quixote, Buddha, and you

I read to my daughter every night before bed. Last night, after months dedicated to a gazillion-paged fantasy adventure trilogy, she asked to return to a book that I used to sing to her when she was small. Hello Mr. Hulot by David Merveille is a picture book, so instead of reading, I hum our soundtrack…

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One-Page Wonder

  While my daughter is at ballet class, I walk. I drop her off at the studio and then head West, past the old warehouses, under the railroad bridge, through downtown, and to the park along the river. Before I get to the park, though, I always make a pass through Auntie’s Bookstore. It’s on…

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The Eye of the Storm

There is so much going on in this world right now. In the United States alone, we are enduring the aftereffects of Harvey and the landfall of Irma, the fiercest hurricanes on record. Our western air has been rendered “Hazardous” on the Air Quality Scale, choking us with the smoke from the 74 fires that rage…

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The Alpenlessons

I just returned from a ten-day running trip in the Alps with my friend. Yes, it was incredible. Amazing. Beautiful. Surreal. Yesterday, I spent several hours writing a blog post for Run the Alps, the company through which we worked to plan our self-guided tour. That post is full of description of the trails we…

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