This Every summer, my daughter and I go on adventures. When she was four, we road-tripped from Utah to fly a kite on the Oregon Coast. When she was five, we packed up the car and the dog and went camping at Joshua Tree in search of Dr. Seuss trees and desert sunsets. When she…
Read moreAn interview with Dr. Peter Mack on his work shifting current medical science paradigms with regression therapy
Dr. Peter Mack is a general surgeon first. Working in a Singapore public hospital for more than 40 years, he has dedicated his life to the cutting edge of medical healing. He was instrumental in pioneering laparoscopic surgery in the early 1990s; he has led a medical research team in an experimental laboratory; and he…
Read moreHealing my back with regression therapy, energy healing… and the chiropractor
I was recently floored by one of those back injuries that is as excruciatingly painful as it is hard to tell people about without laughing. “I, um…. I was opening a drawer.” 10/10 pain because of an extreme drawer-opening accident? Yes. Yes, I’m afraid so. My understanding of the body-emotion and the body-energy connections helped…
Read moreSoul Evolution Workshops: Get your crazy life, I mean driving, back in control. Life can sometimes be like driving a clunker car with no maps or gauges, through a world with no street signs. Empower yourself. Find the tools you need within. Regression Therapy can help. And so can the new Soul Evolution Workshops presented by the Past Life Regression Academy. The first ever workshop starts in…
Read moreDon Quixote, Buddha, and you
I read to my daughter every night before bed. Last night, after months dedicated to a gazillion-paged fantasy adventure trilogy, she asked to return to a book that I used to sing to her when she was small. Hello Mr. Hulot by David Merveille is a picture book, so instead of reading, I hum our soundtrack…
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