I’ve been thinking a lot about the me of 20 years ago — about who I was then, and, sure, about how the me of now has developed from her. I do believe that the me of now is far wiser than the me of then. But I’m also, somehow, less vivid. There’s beauty in…
Read moreCry.
It doesn’t matter why you cry. It doesn’t matter if your heart is broken or battered or blue, or if it seems to be missing all together. It doesn’t matter if you are scared or anxious or shy — perhaps threatened by the unknown, or the darkness, or the creatures awake in the night. It…
Read moreAn awesome reminder.
I found this little bit of wisdom on a back-corner shelf in my favorite bookstore this weekend. A good reminder, don’t you think?
Read moreAn incubus by any other name…
When I was 21, I experienced a horrifying encounter with an incubus — though “incubus” wasn’t yet a word that had been added to my personal dictionary. All I knew was that an evil-feeling male spirit-thing came to me in the night, pinned me down, nearly suffocated me, and tried to rape me. It literally took my voice…
Read moreHonored to be a guest on Another Mother Runner Radio
It was such an honor to join the Mother Runners, Dimity McDowell Davis and Sarah Bowen Shea, this week as their guest on AMR Radio. In this week’s podcast, I read from my essay in their latest book: Tales From Another Mother Runner, talk about my recent career revolution, the joys of Snickers and Tab, and long adventure runs…
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