My words in elephant journal: A Spiritualist Glossary for Non-native Speakers
My words in elephant journal: In the Game of Life, there is no Most Spiritual Player Trophy
A New Sacred Lightbody Meditation for Now
Since January, and the beautiful regression session I did with Caroline, I have been learning more about my own role in the opening and healing of earthen vortices from my Spirit Guide and directly from Archangel Metatron. My work has been a combination of out-of-body meditative voyages and actually being led to vortices in my…
Read moreSloane’s Story: Healing Depression through Regression Therapy
“Sloane” carried herself quietly, reservedly, as if her presence was an imposition or even a mistake. There was something about her, though, something captivating, and it was more than just the façade that some severely depressed people wear to hide their inner pain. Maybe I glimpsed her resolution to be strong again. I welcomed her…
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