The Alpenlessons

I just returned from a ten-day running trip in the Alps with my friend. Yes, it was incredible. Amazing. Beautiful. Surreal. Yesterday, I spent several hours writing a blog post for Run the Alps, the company through which we worked to plan our self-guided tour. That post is full of description of the trails we…

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Always stars beyond.

Wishing on a star you can see is always a good idea. But sometimes we shoot our biggest plans-for-what’s-to-come so aggressively that they simply cannot sink in to these close targets. And then what? Good thing there are always stars beyond. It’s the farther stars, the distant ones, that we can barely see or cannot…

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Inner Child. This child. You.

  This morning, as my daughter was getting ready for her first day of second grade at a new school — the second new school in two years — I listened to her tell me how she was feeling excited, but also nervous and scared. She was afraid of not fitting in, afraid of not…

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Winnipeg Sacred Lightbody Workshop

The last weekend in May, I traveled to Winnipeg, Manitoba to teach a two-day workshop on The New Sacred Lightbody Meditation for Now. In the workshop, “Lightbody Activation to Clear, Shift, and Heal,” I passed along the meditation that Metatron has taught me and has asked me to share with others. After understanding this meditation’s roots in…

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Early Poems

For Martha Karen Halverson, 1916-2017. My name is Marit Martha. I am the daughter of Martha Karen’s oldest daughter, Martha Jeanell. Among the Marthas, I am the third. And I’m honored. In grandma’s eleven-pearl necklace of grandchildren, strung one-by-one by age, I am also the third, and in that, in being one among her grandchildren,…

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