The other day, in the early morning, my five year old snuggled up on my lap with her blanky and her stuffed fox and her sleepytime hair. She was crying. She had had a bad dream. “Mommy, I never want you to die. I never want to lose you.” I set down my coffee and…
Read moreBring in the third person.
Have you ever been stuck? Stuck in a job? Stuck in a relationship? Stuck in confusion over something that happened? Unable to get over it or snap out of it (whatever it is)? Probably. Because we’re human. And we worry about what people think of us. We doubt ourselves. We let social expectations rule us. And then,…
Read moreTom is home.
A few days ago, a young woman came to me with the photo above and a story. She and her family had been painting a few rooms in their house. They moved some furniture to make room. Moving the furniture, as it often does, drew her attention to some dust. She cleaned. Later, she used…
Read moreSerenity
As the obedient prayer-learning child of Catholics, and the unknowing but attention-paying granddaughter of an alcoholic, I knew the Serenity Prayer by heart by the time I was seven. You know it too, right? God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to…
Read moreI am the love of my life.
My best friend has been going through a hard time after a challenging break up. You know, one of those splits that leaves you reeling, unsure of footing or direction or… anything? I’ve been there. I highly suspect you have too. Last night, I got a text from her. It was simple, but so exactly perfect….
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