I recently sat down with Dana Whitby, the host of The Athena Rising Podcast, to discuss Spirit Release, Dark Energy, and earthbound Spirit Attachments. It was an honor to be on her show and to share lots of information with her and with you about a subject that is not easy to talk about.

I came to this work after my own personal experiences with Dark Energy. It is not something that is easy to have chosen to do, but the help that I can offer is something that so many people in this world need and so I do it, humbly and with love.

I don’t know everything. I will be the first to tell you that. No human can know everything. I learn every single day, with every single client that I work with. But I believe that it is my humble approach, teamed with the energetic tools that my Guide, Metatron, has shared with me over the past several years, that help me constantly adapt to work with the different energies that are affecting us now on our combined and cumulative human journey.

At one point in this podcast, Dana asks me, “What is the most common misperception about Dark Energy?” On the spot, in the moment, my answer was that some people believe that entities like this, also known as demons or devils, should be sent to “Hell” where they belong. My answer emphasized that in all my work, I have never witnessed a spiritual Hell, a place to which souls are sent on remand as punishment for sins. There is no such place. Instead, what I see is that Hell is a choice of the soul to remain here on this plane in search of power and influence and dominion instead of returning to Source where it will always, always be welcomed in unconditional love. When I work, I work only in love, and I return these entities back to Source, where they may be welcomed in love to learn their own lessons, whatever they may be. I do not judge. And I also don’t mess around. When it’s time for them to go, I make them go.

But the bigger misperception, I think, and one that I didn’t think of at the time, is that these energies simply do not exist — that they are instead manifestations of our own shadow sides or emotions. I will not tell you what to believe, but as I say in the podcast, my work precludes faith or belief. From first-hand experience, I know that these entities do exist, and I have dedicated myself to helping people find relief first and understanding second. Because every encounter with Dark Energy, no matter how frightening or crazy-making, is ultimately a beautiful opportunity to learn and grow in love.

I invite you to listen to this podcast with an open mind and an open heart. It’s hard to talk about a subject so vast and so “out there,” and I’d like to thank Dana for the opportunity, and for being a brave messenger. My wish is that together, she and I can bring hope to many people who don’t even know right now that there’s any hope still out there for them.

There is.

You can click on this direct link to listen. You can also listen to this episode of The Athena Rising Podcast on Spotify, iTunes, and GooglePlay.

Please note that this interview is not suitable for children. It also may be hard to listen to, particularly for people who have experienced sexual assault and have not yet found healing and understanding. Remember, every trigger is an opportunity for healing and growth. There is help available to you when you are ready.

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