You are never alone. People just like you are turning to transpersonal therapy to get to the source of their emotional challenges, transform them, and let them go for good. These past life regression and energy healing testimonials are their words, here to assure and encourage you.
“I actively and lovingly navigate life and am no longer merely tossed around by it.”

My favorite part of working with Marit has been finding my own inner strength and power. Now, I actively and lovingly navigate life and am no longer merely tossed around by it.
Through hypnosis, we quickly found the roots of what has been holding me back for decades. Some were problems I was never able to even realize I had during conventional therapy.
My favorite part of working with Marit has been finding my own inner strength and power. Now, I actively and lovingly navigate life and am no longer merely tossed around by it.
Through hypnosis, we quickly found the roots of what has been holding me back for decades. Some were problems I was never able to even realize I had during conventional therapy.
In her office there is an open, non-judgmental freedom to be myself and, with her loving guidance we found those dark places. Then, Marit has a patient ability to help me bring light into these dark places and transform them forever into a source of strength and insight. This was done with relatively few sessions, and at times, some fun!
The session would end when I was again in a healthy space: no more or less.
I was never left hanging, the session never ended when a certain time was up. The session would end when I was again in a healthy space: no more or less. She also appeals to my particular needs, such as I am very analytical, logical, and slow to trust others. She recognized this and calms that part of me by telling me an outline of what the game plan is, which allowed me to feel seen and to be more fully present in the session.
After my trauma was resolved, Marit helped me overcome blocks I had to embracing a new healthy life. I have been told by previous therapists to “just love yourself the way you should have been loved as a child.” The problem was that I did not know what love feels like. I found it impossible to emulate.
Under hypnosis Marit and I went to a previous life of mine that was positive. Tears streamed from my eyes as I finally felt the warmth, ease, and joy of what love is. Seeing this and other lessons first-hand becomes knowledge that runs deeply and cannot be dissuaded. This is one of many ways that Marit helped me find my inner power. It is now easier to let go of things that aren’t for me and to have confidence as I find things/people that are for me.
Marit has vast internal strength and is connected directly with Source. She can lovingly handle anything with you that you may be facing, on your timeframe, and help you get to wherever you need to be. She is an amazing person and healer. Her purpose truly is to deeply heal others. She is phenomenal!
Past life regression and energy healing testimonials: 2023
“I’ve found a new sense of peace and a new potential for joy in my life.”

Marit’s work seems to direct a way for the voice of the soul to cut through the static of logic so you can find the frequency you’ve been longing for. I am a 54-year-old crop producer (farmer) from the Midwest. Through the past 20-some years I have tried many forms of counseling with multiple directors. The sessions I had with Marit were the most effective. I’ve found a new sense of peace and a new potential for joy in my life. Thank you, Marit.
Past life regression and energy healing testimonials: 2022
“I felt like a heavy veil had been lifted off my body. I could see clearer, think clearer, and had more energy.”

Back in 2017, I was very sick, almost like I was on the brink of catching a cold all the time. Scores of blood tests and doctor’s visits later, I still didn’t have any answers. Also, random thoughts would go through my head that I knew were not my own. They were so different than anything I’d ever thought before. They weren’t like me at all.
At that point, my friend recommended I see an energy worker she knew who may be able to help. I had no idea what an energy worker did, but figured it couldn’t hurt. Oh boy, was I wrong! The person tried, but things went completely south after sessions with her. It was like whatever was with me was now angry. Then, all of my symptoms spiked! Instead of small, chronic headaches, I had sharp, stinging pains, like someone was stabbing my brain. After a few trips to the ER (I thought maybe I was having an aneurysm), I turned to Google to help me find another energy worker. I believed I was on the right path, but that I hadn’t found the right person.
That was the sign I needed.
One of the first names that popped up was Marit. I was terrified to click her link, which I thought was odd. It was just a link, after all, and I was only doing research. However, somewhere in my mind I recognized that the fear wasn’t my own, that it was the fear of whatever entity or spirit was with me. That was the sign I needed.
I immediately contacted Marit for help. She confirmed what I suspected, that I had an intrusive energy with me. Next, we discussed my clearing. When the healing started, I was immediately able to feel her connect with me. It was the most fantastic feeling ever—like internally flying. As she finished, I felt like a heavy veil had been lifted off my body. I could see clearer, think clearer, and had more energy. I was hooked on Marit and the feeling of freedom she just opened up for me.
This is where my journey with Marit began. She brought out aspects of my nature that I had not acknowledged and did not even know to acknowledge. My teenage daughter and I have been seeking guidance from Marit ever since. She has helped us grow mentally and spiritually—something that may not have happened in this lifetime without her help.
Marit provided strength when we needed it, but more importantly, she taught us how to be strong ourselves. I thank God every day that our paths crossed and I can’t wait to discover where we go next.
Past life regression and energy healing testimonials: 2022
“I have found patience with myself. Marit helped me find a desire to learn and be a better person, a better soul.”

After spending years searching for answers to my anxiety, OCD, and lack of self-preservation, Marit gave me insight and tools to use to better my life. In my search to help with my growing unrest, I saw three different counselors. Each of them fired me! They said I was beyond “their scope of practice,” and that they could not help.
The whys and the hows were inaccessible to me through talk therapy.
I believed that I was unfixable. I lived with the pain that encompassed each waking thought. The whys and the hows were inaccessible to me through talk therapy, and I succumbed to a life filled with a lack of peace and utter confusion.
I was working ungodly hours and pushing myself every day to find some sense of control over my life. While I was successful in the eyes of others, I was unable to find happiness. I believed that this is how it would always be so I shoved my pain down and forged ahead. I was ashamed of my pattern of self-destructive behavior but I figured that at some point I would misstep, and it would no longer matter.
After something that I believed to be a devastating failure, my outlook became worse and more reckless. My wife tried to get me to see someone because she did not know how to help me. My marriage was faltering. I lost myself in intense anger, creating a tremendous strain on my life. Even though I loved my life and family, nothing was ever enough.
I saw an uncle after not seeing him for about a decade and he called me out. He looked me right in the eye and said, “you’re f%&#ed up!” He told me that I needed to find help, and soon. Pissed, I laughed and said, “I’m beyond help.” I told him that I was not willing to go sit with another professional that did not have my best interest in mind. He suggested that I look into past life regression. I laughed harder.
I could not find my desired happiness through traditional means.
But the thing was, I knew he was right, at least about my mental and emotional state. I was at least curious about past life regression and I was more than willing to prove another person wrong about there being any hope. As an analytical person who has spent a great deal of my adult life researching and quantifying data, I truly believed that I could not find my desired happiness through traditional means.
After combing the internet for books, videos, and blogs, I found that Marit had opened an office in Spokane. I was astonished at how serendipitous this was. Within a couple of weeks of being told this could help me, there was an option for regression therapy right nearby.
I emailed her and waited for another letdown. She responded with dates and times. Wow! I thought maybe this was the path I needed to follow. With the same intensity I lived my life, I was willing to see what this was about. After reading similar testimonials to this one, I was very intrigued. I hoped for new adventures in my mental health, good or bad.
Marit was welcoming and very professional in my first session. I was completely honest and open, wanting the most out of my experience. That was not normal for me. Marit gave me the place to explain my issues in a safe and welcoming environment.
Marit and I have been working together more than five years… I am a better person because of it.
After my session, I felt a flood of emotions and guilt about admitting my many weaknesses. I sent Marit an email saying I was sorry for lying to her while I was in trance. I could not believe what I experienced and how it had affected me to my core. My only explanation was that my ego was the storyteller, not my soul. Marit responded firmly and directly about what I experienced. I could not believe how freeing it was to have someone who saw beyond the surface of my reality.
Marit and I have been working together more than five years now. I am a better person because of it. Marit gives me the ability to sort through the emotions, anxiety, ego, and guilt that fogged my life. Life is work in progress and so is my healing, but I have found a peace in this world that I never had before.
I have found patience with myself. Marit helped me find a desire to learn and be a better person, a better soul. I understand that we are not just what we appear, but a complicated representation of many lives and lessons.
I will be eternally grateful for the gifts I have received in my sessions. I’m holding these lessons dear and following a healthy path. I will continue to work with Marit for as long as necessary. She is a guide and a gift. I am so thankful that the universe led me to her.
Past life regression and energy healing testimonials: 2022
“I feel like understand life (and death) in a much deeper and more reverent way.”

I am not the same person now that I was prior to the session. It was profound. I laugh more and am much less anxious. It’s like someone moved the dimmer switch in my brain to a little bit brighter. I feel like understand life (and death) in a much deeper and more reverent way. Marit is a very gifted and caring professional. You can trust her in guiding you safely through the emotions of past events that will bring you through to the other side as a much more complete and joyful person.
Past life regression and energy healing testimonials: 2022
“This past year and a half has given me the most healthy, loving soul partnership of my life.”

A year and a half ago, I had been referred by a friend to Marit after sharing that I felt I had a block of some kind I couldn’t understand or get rid of. She worked with me with such incredible insight, compassion, empathy and support in a way that I felt truly seen and understood. Her work was so thorough and complete. I learned so much abut myself that put my heart at ease. She did find a curse put upon me. I wasn’t shocked to find this out.
Previous to this, I hadn’t been able to be in any type of healthy, loving relationship for almost fifteen years. The energy she cleared that day and insight she gave me was priceless. Right before our session, I had started dating someone new that didn’t have much traction. Since our session, this new person and I have become more serious and are now creating our future together.
This past year and a half has given me the most healthy, loving soul partnership of my life. I’m not sure I would be able to say this without the help of Marit, removing what she did from my energy field.
If you have an inner sense that there is something deeper to your concerns, Marit is an incredible healer and guide. She is one of the few people on the planet I trust with this level of work, having practiced healing arts for 20 years. I am beyond grateful for what she has balanced and given back to me.
Past life regression and energy healing testimonials: 2019
“The results were rich and life-changing.”

My regression session with Marit was nothing short of profound. I didn’t know what to expect beforehand and I was a little worried that I wouldn’t be able to do it, but nonetheless had hopes that it would help me to resolve some long-standing patterns and health issues that I had not been able to overcome though any other modality. These hopes were more than realized with only one session.
I had no trouble going into trance under Marit’s expertise. While the process for me was surprisingly intense, the results were rich and life-changing. I experienced a cathartic release that led the way for a massive opening in my heart and energy system. Marit did an amazing job of leading the process and holding the space for me. The healing that ensued was remarkable.
Even several months later, the effect of this healing continues to unfold. For anyone who is seriously seeking healing or is on an awakening path, Marit’s sessions can serve as a uniquely powerful tool to facilitate deep healing and change. She truly is a master of her craft.
Past life regression and energy healing testimonials: 2019
“It is so profoundly healing to get to the real root of the struggle.”

I was a bit skeptical of past life regression, to be honest. The left-brained/scientist part of me was a cynical optimist at best. However, Marit came so highly recommended that I was curious about it. I felt like despite years of psychotherapy that had been helpful, there was still a part of my healing work that was not integrating from my mind to my body. I knew what my “issues” were so awareness was not the struggle. It somehow felt deeper than this life. So I went for it!
I can honestly say it is miraculous work. It is so profoundly healing to get to the real root of the struggle. It changes everything. It’s just an awe-inspiring process in how it unfolds and how it helps to deeply heal patterns and habits and thoughts that no longer serve you.
Marit is an angel. With this sort of deep super-conscious work, one would want an amazingly safe container and a skilled therapist to guide and assist. Marit is that container and therapist. She is impeccable and sweet and caring and holds safe sanctuary.
I highly recommend past life regression with Marit if you want to truly and bravely and honestly heal. You will lean into life with a much deeper, fully integrated understanding of your wounds and your healing.
Past life regression and energy healing testimonials: 2018
“Working with Marit allowed me to discover an identifiable source of strength that was lying dormant.”

I came to Marit in need of help identifying an issue that had been troubling me for quite some time. Not knowing what to expect, I was quite curious and open. Marit was thorough as she gathered information with questions and conversations leading up to the sessions.
Once in the session, she was able to find a thread. Through patience and perseverance, she followed it to a place of meaning. Picking up on what seemed like minor references or comments, she traced the seams and pulled them open to reveal the root causes. She was able to get me to access places long forgotten. She showed the doors for me to open and explore, to dig deep, while safely guiding me along the way.
Working with Marit allowed me to discover an identifiable source of strength that was lying dormant. Now, I am able to summon this strength for future challenges. I have since utilized this tool with success. That in itself is a gift. I am grateful for her ability and talent which has allowed me to move forward more freely.
I recommend Marit to anyone looking to live with a lighter load.
Past life regression and energy healing testimonials: 2017
“I knew I was home.”

I was scared before my first session, so afraid of what I might see. Without a framework to understand how this work might help, I wasn’t even sure what I wanted to find. But to know Marit is to trust her implicitly, so I took a deep breath and walked into my session with an open mind.
When the session began, I felt calm and safe. While I was aware and conscious, Marit’s patient guidance ushered me into an extra-sensory place. All at once, there was a softness to my vision. The world looked a little blurry.
When the session began, I felt calm and safe. While I was aware and conscious, Marit’s patient guidance ushered me into an extra-sensory place. All at once, there was a softness to my vision. The world looked a little blurry.
I’m a writer, so I’m familiar with the limits of my imagination. I know I couldn’t have made up what I saw in my session with Marit. It was completely new to me, but I knew I was home. I knew I’d been there, that I was watching a formative scene from one of my past lives.
I won’t say the experience was easy, exactly. It was intense and emotional. But it was also helpful, clarifying, and beautiful. It provided context for feelings I hadn’t been able to root or understand. It helped me treat myself kinder, with more empathy.
I want to learn more about what I’ve done and where I’ve been. With Marit’s guidance, with her grounded presence and open heart, I trust that I will learn. I know that the experiences of my past lives will inform thoughtful, compassionate decisions in this one.
I encourage you to do this work, too.
Past life regression and energy healing testimonials: 2017
“I’m better equipped to deal with life’s many challenges.”

I’ve had the unique and powerful experience of energy healing from Marit, followed by as a series of Regression Therapy sessions. I can honestly say that my life is better thanks to her compassion, knowledge, and skill. I’m better equipped to deal with life’s many challenges. Now I have a clear sense of who I am and how to tap into my inner strength.